Fr. Louis Chauvet
Founder, Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
Sometime in June of 1694, Father Louis Chauvet arrived in Levesville-la-Chenard, having been appointed as the new parish priest. Levesville is a tiny village about 38 kilometers from the city of Chartres. As Levesville’s parish priest, he became pastor as well to the neighboring hamlets of Abonville and Ensonville. For the next 16 years, Father Louis Chauvet dedicated himself to improve the human and spiritual conditions of his parishioners. He was a spiritual Father to everyone – the poor, the rich, the widow, the children, the peasants, the artisans, the local nobility. He welcomed them in his rectory, instructed many, administered the sacraments, visited them when they were sick, rejoiced with them at weddings and baptisms and accompanied them in their last hour. Thus the drab and ordinary took on a touch of newness with fine quality…given the fresh perspective of the 30 year old priest from Provence. One thing that was true in the late 17th century is still true today that when one gradually discovers the many, previously unnoticed aspects of the person of Father Chauvet, one sees how the light of his attachment to beauty shines through. It is revealed in the transformations that he brought about in Levesville.
Father Louis Chauvet had that distinctive gift of bringing forth transformation. It was not simply in the purely structural aspect of the rectory which to this day boasts of a sundial with the inscription “Ultima latet” (the final hour is unknown). His presence and his ministry also brought changes to the life of the parish as a community. His dedication and zeal in his ministry worked in the manner of the proverbial leaven that transformed the ordinary dough.
Much of that transformation was due to the project that he quietly cherished deep in his heart when he begun to identify what was at the root of the sufferings of the poor in the Region of Beauce. Besides the fact that rural areas were generally neglected by government services, they were likewise often the last in getting the care and attention of the Religious Congregations who were mostly established in the cities.
The Founder's Charism
When Father Chauvet arrived in Beauce, no organized help was there for victims of plagues and epidemics, nor for the widows and the elderly who were abandoned. The ignorance of God, the absence of opportunity for education among the underprivileged resulted in an oppressive situation that was appalling.
The seed of a Religious project took root in his heart and mind. Although he has never spoken publicly about opening a school in Levesville, a specific recorded official act points out the exact date when Fr. Louis Chauvet made a move towards the realization of this project “on April 28, 1695, the parish priest of Levesville rented out land for the support of a schoolmistress.“ Henceforth, the foundation of a Teaching Religious community had ceased to be simply a dream. Soon, under the skeptical view of some opposing souls, the young pastor of Levesville-la-Chenard found means and help to bring about the transformation of an obscure farming village into a basic gospel community.
A Man With A Heart On Fire
Ke Levesville dari Pertuis,
Suatu hari seseorang diutus,
Imam Tuhan, dengan hati yang membara,
Pastor Louis Chauvet.
Oleh kasih Kristus kamu terpacu
Seperti rasul Paulus dahulu kala,
Terhadap kebutuhan Gereja menanggapi
tanda-tanda zaman yang kamu minati.
Wanita-wanita muda tertarik pada panggilanmu,
Dipenuhi dengan semangat untuk misimu,
Untuk memperkenalkan kasih Kristus,
Kepada yang menderita, yang miskin, anak-anak.
Engkau memimpin mereka dalam kesederhanaan dan kemiskinan,
Dalam doa dan pengorbanan diri.
Dikobarkan dalam jiwa mereka oleh kasih amal,
Hadiah yang mereka berikan adalah seluruh hidup mereka.
Pastor Louis Chauvet yang terkasih,
Hidupmu ditandai dengan misteri Paskah,
Melupakan diri agar Kristus dapat bertumbuh,
Mati seperti biji-bijian untuk memberi kehidupan dan pembaharuan.
Wahai manusia yang hatinya berkobar cinta,
Engkau menyambut baik anugerah Tuhan.
Semoga Kristus, melaluimu, membakar kita
Agar kasih-Nya dapat kita sebarkan sepanjang jalan kehidupan